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英語勉強2("   "に当てはまる単語を答えよ)

(1) "   "に当てはまる単語を答えよ。


The word "            " refers to a thing that is unknown, unspecified, or not named.

It is a pronoun used to refer to an object, idea, concept, or entity that is not explicitly identified.


For example:

I saw "            " moving in the bushes.
Can you get me "            " to drink?
She said "            " that made me laugh.
He has "            " important to tell you.
I felt "            " touch my shoulder.

I wana eat "            "

In each of these examples, "   " is used to refer to a general,

unspecified object or idea, rather than a specific one.

It is often used to express uncertainty, vagueness, or lack of knowledge about the thing being referred to.


The word "    " comes from Middle English "   ," meaning "a thing or matter of some kind.


" The word "sum" is a pronoun that means "a certain amount of" or "some," and

"thing" refers to an object, matter, or concept.


This word can be traced back to Old English "sum þing," where "þing" means "an occurrence," "a meeting," or "a thing.

" In modern English, "    " is a commonly used pronoun that refers to an unknown, unspecified, or unnamed thing or object.









Anything: 「何でも」を意味する代名詞。

Everything: 「全て」を意味する代名詞。

Nothing: 「何も」を意味する代名詞。

Thing: 「物事」や「概念」を指す名詞。

Something else: 「他の何か」を意味する表現。